Sunday, 25 April 2010

Back again minor complain

So after last weeks spurt of activity it has gone quiet again. I'm sort of sorry.I just have not had the motivation I suppose. Work I think is the main driver behind the reduced enthusiasm levels. I find it difficult to get motivated when I cannot plan and work out what I am going to do in the next couple of weeks months. yes I am going to be doing the same thing but how do we move forward and develop it.

I have I think just to get on and work through things myself and present stuff as a fait accompli. We could do things so much better if the organisation had the ability to take a step back and look at the long view. It would be cheaper and more cost effective to get things planned now rather than try and wait until it happens and make it up as we go along. I can do that ( and often do) but it does help to get the background right. Also it would help if those who design the processes actually worked through them in action rather than wait until the everything starts before telling "some of the team" what to do.

OK rant over for now.

Anything else happen of note. I have went up to the RSPB Centre at Sandwell Valley to discover it has been the subject to another arson attack. The link to a report on the fire. words fail me.

OK time for bed back soon

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