Wednesday, 14 April 2010

three days in a row !!

Back again so this is the best I have managed this year so far. Not much really to add from yesterday. I have gone back in and had a look at Vertrouge and it is looking better. Not quite there yet. I will need to get the gallery higher up and the line containing "My Blog" and "Say Hello" will have to take up less space. Its getting there.

So what else is going on, work is still in Shrewsbury and I am going out. The weather has been so much brighter this week. Spring is working its way through the fabric as it were. The stuff floating down the river Severn is reflecting this
before it was dead leaves, branches and feathers.

The branches and feathers are still in evidence but now the odd flower is floating by. I did see this dandelion that had been picked and ended up in the River.

I also have seen catkins from a range of species in the water. If I new my trees and shrubs I would be able to tell you chapter and verse on the species. But I don't so maybe next year when I am a little older and maybe a little wiser.

By the Castle Footbridge there is a Horse Chestnut which is "slowly" coming in to leaf and flower. If you follow the link it it is on the right hand side of the picture. Any way I have taken a number of pictures following its various stages of transition from winter to spring.

This is a picture I took today. It occurs to me that we are in the middle of April and the Horse chestnut is coming into flower. When I was much younger I used to read the Ladybird books " what to look for in ... " well in the Spring version I remember the last picture being a Horse Chestnut in flower with Swifts flying around it. I did a little bit of research and came across. this great blog by Helen (and website) who has a much greater knowledge of all things Ladybird.

Anyway is this a symptom of global warming and spring coming earlier and earlier?

OK bed time

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