So I am back again I have got back to doing so writing on Monday after putting something up on the Sunday. I am quite impressed anyway. I managed to get out today, the weather is warming up though it does not quite seem to know what it wants to do. After a great weekend this morning dawned overcast and dull, but after heading west to Shrewsbury and waiting until lunch time the sun appeared. So I walked down to the River at the English Bridge and headed downstream to the Castle Footbridge.
Today seemed to be a little short of inspiration, so it was going to be a nice day but I had to get back quite quickly and I needed the walk away from work, I am sure you have had those days. So when I got to the Castle footbridge I decided to head across and go back that way. There is a Horse Chestnut which I have been able to get a couple of pictures of over the last week or so.
This being my favourite, it is now officially Spring and every thing is rushing to catch up after the cold winter. This bud just seemed to sum it up for me last week.
Anyway I managed to pass the tree today and all the buds were much further down the line.
Leaves and flowers were bursting on to the scene. As the sun was out it was all quite pleasant and made me feel slightly better about the world.
To cap it all I could hear a Blue Tit pottering around in the Alder just a bit further up the bank and having seen it the little dear stayed in one place long enough to have its picture taken. I managed to get a couple of pictures but this is the best. I like it and am quite pleased with myself.
So I will have to keep going. I will have another go at the website I think it is almost there but I need to have the pictures more prominent.
Until next time
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