Tuesday, 4 May 2010


so I have come to put something in. The motivation to keep this going is still there that is why I have got in and done this. The website is much the same and I have not dabbled for a while, the pictures are still being taken and building up. I suppose there does need to be some sort of creative outlet. I just don' t feel particularly creative at the moment. I am still going for my walks and taking photos. It is this bit that has slipped. the process of going through the day and reflecting even if it is only on the pictures and where and when they were taken.

Thinking about it I am sure I have talked about this before. the jump between going out and doing something and recording it, writing it down, I was always crap at the actual writing down bit.

I want to keep this short as as ever it is late for me, and Lauren if you do read this, Hello.

Spring is arriving apace and maybe even the 1st signs of summer can be seen. It is now May and there are still Daffodils in flower, the Horse Chestnuts are in Bloom and the some dandelions have flowered and set seed.

I have continued walking along the river severn in shrewsbury and carried on with the pictures of the "interesting" floating debris I come across.

I still love the feathers, mainly white, that I see with this being amongst my favourites.

So it is now bedtime


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