Back again to the blog. I started back to work on Monday and (today is Wed) and although I have had the time to write I just have not got around to doing it. So what has happened since last I posted.
I managed to take the children out a couple of times last week and took my camera. They like Merrions Wood in Walsall, it is easy to get to and we have spent a lot of time in there over the last few years. To be honest I don't go there as often as I should, it is a great place for a walk. Especially at this time of year with the leaves all shades from vivid green through orange and yellow to brown.
These two pictures should give you an idea of the place in October,
full of colour.
It is not the biggest nature reserve in the world, but I am quite fond of it. Although I have seen some good birds including grey wagtails and woodpeckers there it is the trees that are the real stars of the place especially as they grow old and die.
I took this picture of a fallen tree, I loved texture of the bark and could quite happily spend "hours" looking for insects and other stuff in the crevices.
The next picture was taken further in I suppose showing the next stages of decomposition.
If anyone knows what the name of the fungi I would be very grateful if they would tell me.
On Sunday I was able to go up to Martin Mere
owned by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. It was a place I have wanted to visit for years especially after seeing the signs on the M6. I had a great time and my family enjoyed themselves. There was a play area for the children , but they were also fascinated by the otters and birds in the centre. I got to see a Red Crested Pochard, which I remember from bird books as a child but had never seen.
These were the best picture I got of the little dears as the were never really still long enough for me. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.
I think the children will remember the otters longer than the birds, they were very cute and "performed right on cue".
I was able to get a couple of picture and this one was quite good, well I like it anyway.
OK so I have said enough now I will try and update the website with these and more pictures from the last week or so over the next couple of days.
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