So another week has crept up on me and I have not written anything. I now have lots of time on my hands, redundancy does that for you, but I seem to spend most of my time not doing this. I have had a look at setting up a guest book and found one that seemed to do all the things I wanted from HTML Goodies. I think I learned more from Joe Burns about HTML than any one else having bought the book. I like his style, he gives you an opportunity to do and learn new skills and keeps it light an easy to read. Anyway I got so far with this guest book and have loaded it up to test it. I am not sure that I have got my coding right ( anyone with any ideas ) please get in touch. I hope to have resolved the issues fairly soon. I am loath to attempt to contact BT and ask them. It seems to get more difficult with each pass. Once I talk to a person it is usually very good if thy know what they are doing (Richard, Thank You) but I am not very patient with support by email. When they say we will get back to you within one working day when all you want is a little support. mutter mutter ...
So back to reality. I went back to the Ironbridge fayre I sold some pictures, in fact this is the one.
I took it at Chasewater earlier this year. I like the detail of the feathers and the movement that is implied. He (I think it was a Cob) was having a good flap in the pool as I was walking by. 10 seconds later my daughter came and demanded I push her on the swing.
I have also sold a couple of others from the website and
So my what next. I am going to continue to work on the website.. at this precise moment I cannot remember what I have said before so if I have said this my apologies.
I keep looking at the font and I am not sure it really works. It conveys the informality that I want to get across but there are places where I think it is difficult to read, also on many of the machines I have looked at the page Lucida Handwriting is just not one of the available fonts so it defaults to Times New Roman. this works, but is not the effect I wanted. Then again when I look at other peoples sites and most seem to stick to the common fonts Times New or Arial, so may be I should focus on content rather than making it look different. I will have also to sort out the issue of feedback. I need to sort out a more effective way for people to comment with me. I also want in the longer run to be able to sell my pictures online. so a shopping cart may have to be looked at.
I will also try and put more pictures and more categories up there.
I have run out of things to say so I will finish here and hope that next time is not far away
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