Saturday, 10 October 2009

Saturday Afternoon beyond redundancy

This week I seem to have spent most of my time looking for a new job, redundancy does that for me.Having looked online I found a couple of things that look promising and sent my CV off. I have even spoken to a couple of agencies sometimes. I think the thing that really gets me is that when agencies having found your CV ring up about a job that have found and I spend 15 mins half an hour going through stuff with them and then spend time updating the CV as requested. I get my hopes up and then hear nothing, what is worse is when you chase the person you spoke to is never in or if they are can not be bothered to ring you back. One day when the boot is on the other foot....
I have gone through some of the IT support stuff I have been working on. I have been to see a small business advisor and gone through a couple of ideas mainly looking at IT support for small business and for small charities and voluntary organisations. A lot of this will be built around developing a network of contacts both to give me work and people I will be able to get information from . This is beginning to sound / read like a business proposal, so I will stop here

Well I came back half an hour later and decided to carry on with this. I have started to update the pictures on the website and have on my version created a couple of new categories. Did my usual trick of using one page as a template for the next and forgetting to save the original apart from stupidity I am not sure what else to call it. I have also looked at the fonts and decided to use Arial on the main pages but carry on with Lucida on the pictures page. I have seen on systems which don't have Lucida installed and it defaults to Times New Roman.

What next to talk about while I have the inclination. I have over the last couple of weeks started to read the Guardian again. OK so I did not actually stop but I have been able to buy the actual paper and spend time reading it. I also use their website much more even subscribing to their podcasts. I spend a fair amount of time on the bbc website but it is nice to read something where there is an opinion. It is really hard to keep writing with my daughter playing with the mouse and cables because she wants to get my attention and I am steadfastly ignoring her. She is now pointing out all my spelling mistakes. Ah some piece and quite. I used to read the Guardian and buy it almost religiously but what with working and the demands of children and a very tidy wife, it was just easier not to buy it. when did I get time to sit and read the sports section let alone any thing else. Now I have more time and am beginning to enjoy it again. I like Ben Goldacre's Bad Science, read this to get a good idea of what he talks about. I did actual hear the piece on the Simon Mayo Show he refers and agree with him that the way science is presented in the news media leaves something to be desired to say the least.

Ok more later but my tea is ready and I am hungry

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