Tuesday, 20 October 2009

reflections on what sells

So it another day and I am sitting down to write something and need some inspiration.

OK so what can I really write about today. I spoke to my brother yesterday about getting some pictures put up in one of his shops. sounds good that my brother's shops. People will be able to buy them if and I will get some of the money. sounds good to me. Now I just have to choose the pictures. I will probably have about 6 or 7 printed out at A0 I now have to decide on which ones. I will then have to get them framed up and begin to work out a price. This does seem like a step in the right direction. I have been thinking about the Ironbridge Craft fayre and although there are lots of people through and those that look say nice things actually getting someone to buy is rare.

So for example this week most people, who actually spent time looking at the pictures looked at this one "Over the Edge" explaining how they liked the colours of the sea, the greens and the blue. a lot of people asked me if it was taken in Cornwall and I have to confess it was taken at the Mull of Galloway.

I have it in an A4 print mounted in and 11 X 14 mount and I think it looks very good and so do quite a few people who have seen it over the last few weeks. I suppose it is the nature of the fayre, the price I am charging for the picture (£20) which given that I need to cover my costs and make something out of the whole shebang is a good price. I suppose people are not expecting to pay that sort of money for a single item in this environment. I did sell cards for £1 and £2 each and I would sell them on a regular basis, but almost all the stall holders are selling and making up there own cards, though it is probably the most bought item in the whole fayre, I don't think I could compete with them.

I suppose it is the quirky nature of some of the pictures that attracts people to look and the amount of people who are drawn to this one. I love the picture on the whole because of what it represents, my family, but also the colours are great and it does work as a whole.

The problem with it is also that this is my family and someone "buying" this image has no connection to that.

On the whole, I don't sell images which include my family but with this one I felt there was enough distance.

So what has sold, well I have sold this picture three or four times over last couple of months. People like seascapes and dreaming. It does work on a number of levels with all the straight lines drawing you out to sea, there is the colours of the rocks and the sky. I like it but not that much, maybe I am too close to the picture and am not able to see the wood for the trees as it were.

I will get this printed up as one of the shop and see what it looks like. I will also have a look at the picture of trees in Glentrool. This is one of my personal favourites and a few other people have said how much they liked it even buying prints. But no one at Ironbridge has bought one.

I think it to an extent it is in the wrong place but I need to build up to find the right place. Christmas is coming and people are starting to look for presents, finding something different may be the advantage that I have.

I have to go go back to what people are expecting to buy and what they are expecting to pay has a big say in their purchases. It may be in a different environment such as a Gallery where people are going in looking for something specific and with a expectation of paying a "good price" for the item, it will seel more easily.

So how to get my pictures in a better place.

If you do have any ideas please get in touch. I will carry on soon

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