Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Wet Wednesday no snow

So it seems the thaw is complete. The wet snow that was forecast did not materialise rather it just rained most of this morning. Driving in to Shrewsbury was grey and well generally murky. Looking out through the morning saw little improvement. By the time I ventured out into the rain about 1:30 there was a general drizzle and it was grey and overcast and generally miserable. OK so I walked down to the English Bridge and looked downstream. River levels have despite the local rain dropped several feet since yesterday. The River Severn had returned to its course. I decided that I was still a wimp and not to venture downstream today, maybe tomorrow if the river had continued to drop. Anyway the gates that let you down to the bank form the Bridge were still locked.

So I ventured upstream more in hope than expectation.

Because of the weather (I assume ) there where much fewer people on the river bank path and this meant the birds came that bit closer. this female Goosander was fishing in the willows close to bank.

I know it is very dark, bur it was the best shot I got of it. I could lighten it up a bit but that I suppose would not be the point. It was quite dark

As I walked on up the Severn I saw one of my favourite birds, and than another and then another. Long Tailed Tits are just cute and pink. There was small group of them maybe 5 or 6 mixed in with a few great tits searching for food in the bark of the willows by the edge of the river. This was one of the critters that stayed still long enough to be photographed and be quite sharp. I know it does not look pink but there is pink it there.

as I moved further upstream the effects of the days rain and drizzle became apparent.

I saw these pictures, and they seem to encapsulate the day and the season. Wet and Wintry.

But on the other hand they sort of offer hope that winter will come to an end. Spring and Summer are not that far away.

It will be February soon.

anyway bedtime

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