Sunday, 24 January 2010

Thursday and Friday on the Severn

So its Sunday again and I have found time to type something up. The girls are watching a Harry Potter film and all is well with the world, well at least until bedtime.

It has been a couple of days since my last post, I am getting in to the jargon again. Well I have been to the Severn on Thursday and on Friday and the level of the water has continued to drop. The Picture on the left was taken on Monday

By Thursday when I took the picture on the right, from roughly the same place on the English Bridge. You should be able to see the difference three days has made.

I never really understood until watching the ebb and flow of the Severn the after effects of flooding, yes I knew about the Nile and the silt it left behind and I had seen pictures on the Telly of flooding in various parts of the country and the aftermath. I have always lived on hills or where the there have been serious flood defences. So I have never seen the silt that is deposited where the water has been.

I took this just upstream from the English Bridge and you can see the imprint of bikes and footprints in the mud. It is very fine slippy and generally horrible stuff that gets everywhere.

Now I have a better understanding of those whose houses are filled by the stuff. It reminds me to make sure I don't buy a house on a flood plain and definitely try to live on top of the hill.

So what else has happened, not much to be honest.

I have managed to get about and do my walking and take pics over the last few days, though on the whole it has been overcast and generally murky when it has nor been raining. On Thursday I walked upstream from the English Bridge and got a couple of pics that I like. In no particular order, I like the contrast of the "green" of the leaves against the the texture of the bark. I have no idea of the species. The tree is one of the limes that line the path along the bank of the River Severn I think they were planted during the time of Percy Thrower.

Also there was this of a female blackbird. It was the silhouette together with the fence that I liked. Well I still do .....

On Friday I headed downstream for the first time in a week or so.

I worked my way through the mud and I would like to report that I saw lots of stuff and took inspiring pictures. I didn't. In fact it was a fairly cold and miserable afternoon which about summed up the weather for the week.

So its now Sunday and I have taken some pictures since, when I have been able to get out the murky overcast feel has continued. This afternoon I walked down to the canal at the bottom the hill. (yes I live at the top of a hill, when a good way up it) I got very wet as it rained through much of the walk. The Children were far more sensible than me stayed in playing in their D S s. Mario Karts if memory serves. Anyway of this meander (though how you meander along a straight line that is the canal I am not sure) this is my favourite. The sun was sinking rapidly and the rain cloud had broken enough in the west to allow something to shine through to adding the pink tinge to the sky. The water was frozen even though the air temperature had been above freezing for almost a week. It is quite dark and I may in the fullness of time lighten it up a bit.

So its getting late so time for bed and thinking of tomorrow and shrewsbury and possibly even doing some work.


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