Tuesday, 19 January 2010

tuesday and before, getting warmer

Tuesday and I am back again typing away when I really should be off to bed. I thought I would look at some of the pics I have taken over the last few days. If I say detailing the thaw it would imply far to much premeditation I was just going through what I had taken since the weekend and well now here it is.

I went up to Forge mill Lake on Saturday and as I said was surprised at how ice remained. about three quarters of the surface was frozen. This branch had been shoved on to the ice at some stage. However the surface was showing definite signs of melt and at the edge of the lake there was the definite feel that the temperature was rising.

Away from the lake there were few well sheltered patches of snow left, there rest having emerged, wetter but now warmer.

So that was Saturday, Sunday came and went after sorting out family including parents and children, though not in that order it was Monday that gave me a chance to go out again.

Monday meant a return to the River Severn and shrewsbury. As I said in a previous post river levels have risen several feet over the weekend. This should give you some idea of the level reached by Monday around the English Bridge in shrewsbury.

The second picture was taken on the downstream side of the bridge and usually the river is infront and below the green railings which are about 4 feet high.

In yesterday's missive I mentioned a cormorant well I have gone through my pics and this is one of my better ones of the little dear. It is not a wonderfully sharp picture, bur I hope you get the idea. the strange colouration around the head and neck was quite distinctive.

It is bed time now goodnight

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