Thursday, 17 December 2009

Wednesday and thursday Shrewsbury and Sandwell Valley RSPB

So its Thursday night and I came back to the machine to write some more. I am a lot annoyed that I did not get the job. I didn't think I would get it, it is nice to have the job description changed on you after you have submitted your application, yes I could go on and whinge for quite a while, not sure if it will make me feel any less rejected. Ah well may as well get on with it. I suppose if they want to pay me for not doing a lot and not having to think.

Yesterday I decided to go to bed early and just have a night off from typing things, I just was not in the mood. I had been for a walk at dinner time and although at the time had not thought much of what I had taken, I have looked at since and gone mmm that is better than I remember.

Under Greyfriars bridge on the River Severn in Shrewsbury some one was feeding the birds and I was able to take a couple of pictures.

Flocks of birds I still need to work on but on the whole I am getting better at individuals.

These 2 are my favourites at the moment. I like the impression of movement and the fact that I have managed to get them on the left hand side of the shot and "moving into" the rest of the frame.

So today I managed to have the day off. Well I did not go to Shrewsbury. I had a Hospital appointment in the morning to sort my shoulder out. That was at 8:00 and once that was over I went for a walk in Sandwell valley, around Forge Mill Lake. It started out bright sunny and cold. The sun however stayed very low, well what did I expect in mid December. Having parked by the forge mill farm and walked clockwise around the lake it took a while to be "inspired". Maybe it was the cold and the desire to keep walking to generate some heat had an impact. Anyway having walked around the north of the lake and working my way towards the RSPB reserve there were a couple of paths leading off the main one.

I like this one, the colours and the effects of the sunlight through the hedgerow.

I also took this of the path I had just walked. With at this point the sun behind me I am quite pleased with it.

Though I am beginning to wonder just how much I like taking pictures of paths through trees and bushes.

OK so far but I should keep an eye on it. My other indulgence is teasels and this walk had lots of them. I do like taking picture of Teasels and here is this journeys favourite

I like it

From this mornings meanderings that was about it though I feel I should include this final picture of the main lake side hide and in the background the RSPB centre itself

Maybe more on this next time. Back to work tomorrow (Friday ) and then Monday and Tuesday next week and it will be almost Christmas.

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