Back to it again. The last two days have been more about getting ready for Christmas and sorting out family. It is now Sunday evening and for the next few days Christmas which is fast approaching seems to be (is) the main focus.
I managed to escape for an hour, this afternoon, It could well have been longer but once it is dark there is not much point in wandering around with a camera. The chances of meeting anyone famous are probably vanishingly remote and any thing happening well .....
The RSPB Sandwell Valley is the place I have been going to over 10 years and has been my main source of inspiration. There are a couple of spots that I come back to time and time again. The southern end of the Forge Mill lake with the RSPB reserve is one of my most visited especially at this time of year the light from the sunsets has been good.
Today I got there about 3:15 and caught this of the heads of phragmites catching the light.
As the sun dropped towards the horizon I walked a bit further round and found a towards the farm and caught was taken by a couple of old stems of Rose Bay Willow Herb or as I learnt on a trip to Alaska Fireweed.
Well thats what I think it is anyway.
As I watched the lake I could see a number of species including a male goosander. As he swam around it became apparent he was being quite closely shadowed by one or two Black Headed Gulls. At the southern end of the lake the water is on the whole fairly shallow. The goosander was looking for food I assume but rather than diving he was swimming with his head underwater searching for I can only assume, fish.
The picture shows this quite well. the gull just following the more energetic goosander.
However every time he appeared to catch something he was mobbed by his companion Gull and who was rapidly joined by a "couple of friends"
Who quite rapidly seemed to get what they were after quite quickly, with the "victor(s) " flying off and the goosander resuming his fishing duties.
I have never seen this specific parasitical behaviour before, any seen it before?
Right it is now bed time
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