Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Equinox and spring and Sleep

I was going to sit an write something I really was but I was sitting there and I was warm and cosy with my wife and the television was on. I fell asleep and then woke up and I was still warm and sleepy so I went back to sleep. I would like to blame a host of other things, but I cannot. so it is now just about the 22nd March and I have decided that I should sit here and put something down as I spent along time wishing for Spring and now I suppose it is here. Yesterday was the equinox and winter is well on its way out.

Over the last few days it has begun to warm up and the sun has come out. We have had a couple of really good days. These have coincided with days in the office and not weekends or even last weekend circumstances meant me spending time waiting around for children.

I have been walking during lunch most days. It has been cool if not cold until recently and this has put a dampener on growth. In the last few weeks there have been more sighs of growth and Spring may not have sprung but is definitely beginning to wind up.

The willow on the canal is now in leaf with some spring flowers over and above the Daffodils, Crocuses and Snowdrops. Come to think of it I have yet to see a single Tulip. I am sure tomorrow will change things.

OK so now I will go to bed and sleep

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