Tuesday, 17 August 2010

August no 1

This is more to say I have not forgotten to do this. I have been on holiday in Scotland for the last 2 weeks. The south west corner and I will spend more time on that at a later date. anything else to report. Well yes and no I have been asked to move across to Telford at some stage and work from the office there. When this will actually happen is another thing, I have said yes as it will save me time and money in getting there and back. I will be looking after the Learndirect Centre there so it will not be Rocket Science but it should keep me more involved than I am now.

Until then I will do my walks up and down the Severn in Shrewsbury and take picture. Before I went to Scotland I got a couple of pictures that I particularly like. The first of a Sparrow, I am growing to like Sparrows more and more as I get older. They were one of the first birds I was able to identify (or so my mother tells me) in our garden and after a long period of, I suppose, me ignoring them, they have pushed themselves back into my consciousness. Anyway I like the picture taken in Shrewsbury a couple of weeks ago.

Second I my hunt for the perfect teasel picture goes on. This was taken in Sandwell Valley by the Forge Mill lake.

OK enough for now


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