Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Back again

So I have started working through the pictures I took on our trip to Scotland this year. We stayed in a cottage in Ardwell a village about 10 miles south of Stranraer in the South West. It was very quiet an peaceful. The weather was kind, what rain there was was usually brief and where it did persist we were driving or more often sleeping.

The sea was just 100 yards from the cottage and the path was easy to walk. So I was able to get some pictures like this of the beach as the sun set behind me. I love the shades of colour in the sea, sky and on the beach.

I saw lots of birds and for the first time in a while, seals. I even got the occasional kind one to pose for me as it lay in the shallows. I have had some pictures of seals before but they have usually been ones where you have to know where to look. this time the seal is I hope easy to see.

OK I will come back to this as I go through my pictures. I did take a lot of flowers and plants this year.

OK time for bed

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

August no 1

This is more to say I have not forgotten to do this. I have been on holiday in Scotland for the last 2 weeks. The south west corner and I will spend more time on that at a later date. anything else to report. Well yes and no I have been asked to move across to Telford at some stage and work from the office there. When this will actually happen is another thing, I have said yes as it will save me time and money in getting there and back. I will be looking after the Learndirect Centre there so it will not be Rocket Science but it should keep me more involved than I am now.

Until then I will do my walks up and down the Severn in Shrewsbury and take picture. Before I went to Scotland I got a couple of pictures that I particularly like. The first of a Sparrow, I am growing to like Sparrows more and more as I get older. They were one of the first birds I was able to identify (or so my mother tells me) in our garden and after a long period of, I suppose, me ignoring them, they have pushed themselves back into my consciousness. Anyway I like the picture taken in Shrewsbury a couple of weeks ago.

Second I my hunt for the perfect teasel picture goes on. This was taken in Sandwell Valley by the Forge Mill lake.

OK enough for now
