Sunday, 23 August 2009

Day two

So I have managed to carry on. As I said before this is my way of documenting my attempts to set up a website and a potential business selling photographs and prints.

On of the things I have not a lot of is cash or access to capital to buy extra things for the business so all the tools I use have to be something I already have or can get cheaply or even better free. So how do you create a web site from scratch. I could have used Word or PowerPoint or even Front Page express which used to be on some systems. I certainly could not afford buy Dreamweaver or something along those lines. I did have a look at Joomla and even got as far as downlading JSAS. After spending several days trying to work out what I was doing I gave up. I have used Content Management Systems before and will probably come back to Joomla or something similar in the long run.

To cut a long story short I decided to go back to HTML. I have used it off and on for the last 10 years and have a fair idea of what I am doing with it. In addition I was able to download Arachnophilia. This was my favourite HTML editor. I also like the idea of Careware. I had originally learned most of my coding from Joe Burns and HTMLGOODIES.

Some years ago for my birthday ( or was it Christmas )I got a copy of Adobe Photoshop Elements. It allows me to manage my library and have a play with my pictures ( more of that much much later when I get around to it).

So I sort of have all the elements to put together a website. I know what to do and have a reason to do it so I think next I need a plan.

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