Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Day Two (and a bit)

So Day two and guess what it did not rain all day. to behonest after yesterday when it seemed never to stop I had sort of given up hope.

So what happened then, well I spent some time going having a look at the Job boards and trying what was new and play the game of seeing just how many times jobs I had applied for were being advertised through different agencies. I had a good conversation with a recruiter, he seemed happy and will talk to the company about me today or tomorrow. (fingers crossed) Apart from that I updated various profiles I have, Linkedin, Reed etc. My Cv will need to amended slightly based on some feedback, I need to make sure that it does show I worked for one company for nearly 9 years. That is a long time.

And then I managed to go for a walk. Just down the hill to the Rushall Canal at Five Ways Bridge  and then up towards the Lock One

This is pretty much the view from Five ways Bridge. I try and glance up every time I drive past. My eye is always drawn to Gillity Bridge, and beyond. It is always a glimpse.

Fore me it is something although familiar it always changes. The Season, the light and time of day, the weather.

So I walk up the tow path, even though it it the middle of the day it is quiet. Then as I walk slowly up the volume from my left increases dramatically. It is dinner time and the children at the school are out to play. As I walk the spike of noise disappears behind me and I can hear the birds in the trees. Various small birds including great and long tailed tits, goldfinch and sparrow flit through the trees ignoring me getting on with their lives searching for their next meal.

Today is the the first day of Winter, well if you count Sept Oct and Nov as Autumn. It is a bit blowy. but I had wrapped up.

From Gillity Bridge

Most of the trees have some leaves left though not many, any sign of green is long gone it is mainly yellow with some orange. Standing out are the few evergreens in people's gardens.

As I walked, I felt slow and not quite up to speed. It has been a while since I want for a proper walk or even got some exercise.

As time passed legs stretched out again  muscles and joints almost sliding back into some sort of rhythm.

The whole walk took much longer than I thought.

Floating By

On the water the Mallard swim around as if the owned the place. Coots and Moorhen keeping to the usually the far bank.

I saw a leaf floating by well I overtook it at my great of knots. I liked the colours, the yellows, oranges and browns contrasting with the red of the stalk.

So by the time I have finished this it is now day 3 and I have to work out what to do today.

See how it goes