Monday, 30 November 2015

Day One ?

Why day one Its Monday 30th November 2015 and so today id the first day of not working. Okay so not being paid to work. I think there is a difference. APM/PPDG as was in their infinite wisdom have let me go. So I took the package on offer I jumped just before they pushed me. Last Friday was my last official day. but I have been like the proverbial headless chicken been running around in search of a replacement, for the last couple of weeks. I have applied for lots of Software trainer type jobs and have got some interviews. One on friday one today. both made me realise that I don't really have a coherent story, as a trainer, to tell. I have to go back and look at the training I have designed and put together over the last few years. Pull it together and make sense of it. Yet what do I want?

So there is this idea of doing bits and pieces, some training and some writing and taking photos. This could make me a living, I won't be rich, but I may well be happy. It may be an illusion, but it is my illusion.

So back to day one. This is the journey and day one of that journey. I would like to spend more time getting out walking taking photos. This morning I had an interview, I waited for for them for so long. "10:00" they said. "Sorry", they said, some one "was ill", they started late. This afternoon it rained lots, and the man from the water board came to fix the water meter. Time goes by. It is the last day in November and it is dark before you know it. So tomorrow, The forecast says cloudy, but no rain.

So what will day two bring. Walks Fresh air. Pictures, Instagram and updates to website.

Good night