Monday, 15 April 2024

 So PinkAl packed up and made sure he took everything he would need for the journey and while he was on the ship. He was going on a cruise.

 PinkAl saw thick parkas and warm coats

But where was he he going to?

He was off to South America, Tierra Del Fuego and Antarctica. 

So we needed something to keep use warm.



PinkAl took his fur and his best scarf just to make sure.

It was going to be a long journey

First he was going to drive to Heathrow, here he would catch the KLM flight to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. 


PinkAl had never been to Holland before so this was definitely an adventure.

Sunday, 14 April 2024

 Hello Again

I went on holiday earlier this year, We took PinkAl with us

He had lots of adventures, some of which I can tell you about



Thursday, 9 February 2023

After a long time

 After a ling time, well that is what I typed first, my typing is still as bad as it ever was and I have to go  back and correct it on  a regu;ar basis. 

So i am a lot older than before, especially given it is 2023 and the last time I put any thing in here it was when I had just been pushed out of the door by APM. This was probably a good thing though it did not feel like it at the time. Redundancy, voluntary or not is never a good process. 

I am never really sure about this and have felt I needed a purpose to write, who am I telling and what am I telling. Much of what has gone before is me trying to say what I have done on a particular event or walk and describe that. 

so I have something to talk about, I am going to South America, in particular Argentina and Urugauy. It is a cruise and won't be until next year, Jan 24. but it is booked and I have even paid for the insurance cover, I never realised that getting old cost more money. So that is done and I have started to look at just how much things will cost on the boat. 

There are only 2 of us and well what the hell.

Next is to get my stuff together, clothes to take camera and lenses, boots.

back soon

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Day Two (and a bit)

So Day two and guess what it did not rain all day. to behonest after yesterday when it seemed never to stop I had sort of given up hope.

So what happened then, well I spent some time going having a look at the Job boards and trying what was new and play the game of seeing just how many times jobs I had applied for were being advertised through different agencies. I had a good conversation with a recruiter, he seemed happy and will talk to the company about me today or tomorrow. (fingers crossed) Apart from that I updated various profiles I have, Linkedin, Reed etc. My Cv will need to amended slightly based on some feedback, I need to make sure that it does show I worked for one company for nearly 9 years. That is a long time.

And then I managed to go for a walk. Just down the hill to the Rushall Canal at Five Ways Bridge  and then up towards the Lock One

This is pretty much the view from Five ways Bridge. I try and glance up every time I drive past. My eye is always drawn to Gillity Bridge, and beyond. It is always a glimpse.

Fore me it is something although familiar it always changes. The Season, the light and time of day, the weather.

So I walk up the tow path, even though it it the middle of the day it is quiet. Then as I walk slowly up the volume from my left increases dramatically. It is dinner time and the children at the school are out to play. As I walk the spike of noise disappears behind me and I can hear the birds in the trees. Various small birds including great and long tailed tits, goldfinch and sparrow flit through the trees ignoring me getting on with their lives searching for their next meal.

Today is the the first day of Winter, well if you count Sept Oct and Nov as Autumn. It is a bit blowy. but I had wrapped up.

From Gillity Bridge

Most of the trees have some leaves left though not many, any sign of green is long gone it is mainly yellow with some orange. Standing out are the few evergreens in people's gardens.

As I walked, I felt slow and not quite up to speed. It has been a while since I want for a proper walk or even got some exercise.

As time passed legs stretched out again  muscles and joints almost sliding back into some sort of rhythm.

The whole walk took much longer than I thought.

Floating By

On the water the Mallard swim around as if the owned the place. Coots and Moorhen keeping to the usually the far bank.

I saw a leaf floating by well I overtook it at my great of knots. I liked the colours, the yellows, oranges and browns contrasting with the red of the stalk.

So by the time I have finished this it is now day 3 and I have to work out what to do today.

See how it goes

Monday, 30 November 2015

Day One ?

Why day one Its Monday 30th November 2015 and so today id the first day of not working. Okay so not being paid to work. I think there is a difference. APM/PPDG as was in their infinite wisdom have let me go. So I took the package on offer I jumped just before they pushed me. Last Friday was my last official day. but I have been like the proverbial headless chicken been running around in search of a replacement, for the last couple of weeks. I have applied for lots of Software trainer type jobs and have got some interviews. One on friday one today. both made me realise that I don't really have a coherent story, as a trainer, to tell. I have to go back and look at the training I have designed and put together over the last few years. Pull it together and make sense of it. Yet what do I want?

So there is this idea of doing bits and pieces, some training and some writing and taking photos. This could make me a living, I won't be rich, but I may well be happy. It may be an illusion, but it is my illusion.

So back to day one. This is the journey and day one of that journey. I would like to spend more time getting out walking taking photos. This morning I had an interview, I waited for for them for so long. "10:00" they said. "Sorry", they said, some one "was ill", they started late. This afternoon it rained lots, and the man from the water board came to fix the water meter. Time goes by. It is the last day in November and it is dark before you know it. So tomorrow, The forecast says cloudy, but no rain.

So what will day two bring. Walks Fresh air. Pictures, Instagram and updates to website.

Good night

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

So it is a long time since I wrote anything on this.
I have been thinking about doing something, what I don't know. Writing and putting down what is in my head. Keeping going really. So just to touch base. A beginning of a project. The canal down the road where I walk and take pictures. The Rushall Canal.

So this is it a picture from under Guility  Bridge. this is the picture I take most often. the same picture,but it is different every time. the position is the same, time is different

This is the heron who let me get close, though not that close, he/she (sexing herons is not one of my skills) flew off to the lock 

and as I walked towards him he decided discretion was the better part and flew off behind me, but I caught him/her   as he/she took off

So that is it for this time

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Shell Island, A Day Out

So where to start, at the beginning I suppose. I left home in a rain storm, it was pouring.  First stop the petrol station, Morrison’s to fill up. Standing in the line to pay, a voice, pleasant and smiling “Mr L. what are you doing here”. After a blank, its Anne Marie from work, and relief, “Going for a walk on the beach.”   Her turn to be puzzled for a moment, then a shake of the head and a smile. 

On up the M6 and then across the M54 and then the A5 to Shrewsbury. Although the River  Severn is high, I have seen it higher. On into Wales towards Welshpool, the rain has stopped, but the clouds are still heavy and there is lots of spray thrown up by the traffic. After stopping in Welshpool to get a sandwich to eat in the car it is time to head into the hills, westwards towards Dolgellau. There are fewer cars now, often there is just me speeding along. The road rises and winds through the hills and small towns of mid Wales. Finally one long steep incline, higher and higher we climb, towards the clouds. At the top a sense of relief, we made it up the hill, but also we are almost there. down the other side, just as steep, towards Dolgellau and the beginnings of the coastal strip and the Mawdach estuary. On towards Barmouth and then up the coast heading for Harlech and its castle. Before the castle we turn left in Llanbedr and head towards the sea and Shell Island. 

I always park up at the start of the causeway and the walk up the path to the dunes. Today I had some company, at least part of the way. Three sheep ran in front for a hundred yards or so. 

Folow the path to Shell IslandApart from the sheep I did meet a couple of other visitors, but they were leaving as I headed towards the dunes and the sea beyond.

I was wrapped up and warm, the Mayo and Kermode podcast chattering away in my ears. 

The dunes were higher than I remembered. Many of the spaces full of water from the recent rain. I had my Wellies on, but, there were many places too deep even for me. 

Eventually  after what seemed long hard slog, though, in reality, it was 10 minutes, if that, I trudged down the final face on to the beach itself. I was the only person there.

Empty Beach

I looked up and down the beach, to my left the sand  stretched away and merged into the shadows at the base of the distant hills. The only signs of life being the occasional seagull standing around  waiting for the tide to turn I imagine. The clouds that had lifted during my journey west, now were beginning to break apart  allowing the sun to show through. I ventured towards the distant hills across the still damp sand. 

Moss and BranchThere are all sorts of bits and pieces washed up on the sand, this time there were few if any man made objects. Most were marine in origin, there was alt of seaweed of various species, but every so often a piece of non marine origin stood out.

To be honest nothing much happened for the next while, I walked, the sun tried and mainly failed to breakthrough the cloud cover, the wind blew and the waves rolled up and down. Mayo and Kermode bickered gently in my ears. I eventually turned around and retraced my steps northward.

Continuing past my original start point I walked on up the sand. In the distance I could see the sand ending and the rocks  taking over. A cormorant, flew towards me, heading south. 

Abruptly the sand ended, replaced by rocks and stones, ranging in size from full blown boulders to pebbles and grit. On the seaward edge the gulls ignore me and continue to watch the sea. Standing looking at the rocks I could see they are covered with seaweed, mussels and barnacles. After a while I catch a couple of flashes of unexpected movement in and on the rocks. Standing still and waiting, not my greatest attribute, gave me a chance to search the nearby rocks more thoroughly and eventually I caught sight of the culprit. In fact there were three of them, Turnstones, 

They deigned to stop their foraging  every so often and occasionally there would be more than one in the same place, all three, not a chance. I moved slowly closer, to get better pictures. On the whole they ignored me scurrying around the rocks searching for food. However they managed to keep their distance so I left them to it after a while  and continued on.

The rocks are easy at first to clamber through, it just means you have to spend so much more of your attention on watching where you are going and planning out your route. So less and less time is spent looking at the scenery and or contemplating well, life, the universe and my navel. After a while Kermode and Mayo have finished and Melvin Bragg and his friends are telling me all about the South Sea Bubble. It is time to head back to the car. Through the deserted camp site and back along the causeway catching site of flock of Shelduck foraging in the salt marsh and a couple of Redshank running around in the channels.

Eventually the car and a sit down. It has been a while since I have been out on my own for any length of time and the thought of just getting in the car and heading back home. It was still light so I drove back down to Barmouth and spent another hour wandering around on the beach.  Here I was not the only one dotted around the expanse of sand were small  groups, and occasional individuals, getting out into the fresh air while it was light and the rain held off. 

As the light finally faded I headed back to the car and then back through the hills to Birmingham and home